Just thought I'd show everyone my completed work space! It's sure to change in time and when I switch rooms soon but for now, it's perfect. I have been reading up and gaining inspiration from my new book, Pottery Barn: Work Spaces! I'm trying to keep it this organized all the time, we shall see! Enjoy!
Work Spaces
Monday, February 21, 2011 | at 2:57 PM |
Tour de Hendersonville!
Thursday, February 17, 2011 | at 8:56 AM |
I just realized that in the 8 months i have lived here I have not given you a formal tour of my little town! Here are a few photos I took on my break Sunday! It was a beautiful weekend here.. I think it reached a sunny 60 degrees (which we all freaked out about)! This weekend it supposed to reach 70 and i'm sure to break out the shorts and flip flops! Without further adieu, Here is a photo tour of my new home!

View of Main Street looking South

McFarlan Bake Shop
A Hendersonville tradition and home of the best cookies & cake ever!

Dancing Bear Toys
A Hendersonville tradition & where I spend most of my days!
And now you know why I moved here! I know, it seems a bit small from the big city, but it's just perfect for me!
I'm off 2 days in a row this weekend and though I have never been busier, I think I will try to enjoy some culinary find! No worries though, I will of course share my find with you, and your taste buds will no doubt be jealous!! Enjoy your day!
View From the Top..Blogger Reload!!
Sunday, February 13, 2011 | at 9:13 AM |
Good Morning! today is Sunday.. A great day to reload! Over the past few months I have been going through the biggest changes that I could have imagined. I have made some grown up decisions about where to go with my career and life, and also figured out how determined I am. I have been extremely busy with work and school, and the other things that creep in and make life stressful! I would like to think that living here on the mountain would make everyday life an escape from reality and stress, but it hasn't. Things have happened that have made me want to crawl home to Jacksonville, to safety, as quick as possible. But life is not about safety, life is about taking chances, and learning. I have learned to live life here in this new place, in a great way. I work at a charming family toy store, by far the most amazing job I have ever had (as you could imagine)! I live in my parents beautiful mountain home, and have them with me on this new journey of mine. I think I have it pretty easy! Today is a new beginning for many things. I plan to blog from now on, as often as I can. I have to admit, all this excitement is too good to keep to myself! I hope you enjoy the new mess free layout, and will continue to follow me on my journey to find the view from the top!
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